
What is Proto.Actor?

protoactor docs
What is Proto.Actor? Proto.Actor is a Next generation Actor Model framework. Over the last few years we have seen two competing approaches of actors emerging. First we have the classical Erlang/Classic Akka style actors, and later came the Microsoft Orleans style “virtual actors” or “Grains”. These two ways both yield different benefits and drawbacks. Proto.Actor unifies both of these two ways of working under a common framework. Proto.Actor solves another major issue, none of the pre-existing actor model frameworks or languages can communicate between platforms. Read more...

Why Proto.Actor?

protoactor docs
Why Proto.Actor? What features can the Proto.Actor platform offer over the competition? Proto.Actor provides scalable, real-time transaction processing. Proto.Actor is a unified runtime and programming model for: Scale up (Concurrency) Scale out (Remote) Fault tolerance With one thing to learn and admin, with high cohesion and coherent semantics. Proto.Actor is a very scalable piece of software; not only in the context of performance, but also in the size of applications it is useful for. Read more...

Money Transfer Saga

protoactor patterns dotnet
Money Transfer Saga Intro Part 1 - The Scenario Part 2 - The Implementation Part 3 - The Audit Log Part 4 - Supervision, error kernels and idempotency Part 5 - Results Download Sourcecode The Saga pattern was first coined by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem in their paper, Sagas. Although originally described in the context of a database management system, the Saga pattern has gained popularity in a distributed systems context as a way to manage failures when dealing with multiple remote participants in a business process. Read more...
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