protoactor  patterns  dotnet 
Monday, Jun 26, 2017

Money Transfer Saga

Tom Liversidge
Go C#

Money Transfer Saga


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The Saga pattern was first coined by Hector Garcia-Molina and Kenneth Salem in their paper, Sagas. Although originally described in the context of a database management system, the Saga pattern has gained popularity in a distributed systems context as a way to manage failures when dealing with multiple remote participants in a business process. The paper describes a saga as

a long-lived transaction that can be written as a sequence of transactions that can be interleaved with other transactions

It also says that

the system guarantees that either all the transactions in a saga are successfully completed or compensating transactions are run to amend a partial execution

For each step in a business process, given a failure, there should be a compensating step that rolls-back the state of the system to what it would have been before the step was applied. The whole process is managed by something called a Saga Execution Component. A good introduction to the Saga pattern is Distributed Sagas: A Protocol for Coordinating Microservices by Caitie McCaffrey,

Part 1 - The Scenario

The scenario here is a simple bank account transfer - we want to transfer €10 from Account1 to Account2. Each account has a starting balance of €10. If successful, Account1 will end with a balance of €0 and Account2 will have a balance of €20. Our aim is to have a transaction-like result for the account transfer process where even if one of the steps fails, the system is left in a consistent state (i.e. either the whole process fails, resulting in €10 in each account, or the process succeeds)

On the face of it, this is a simple problem. However, things get more interesting when you consider each account as a remote service and thus subject to the usual issues associated with remote calls. The accounts can misbehave in a number of ways:

  • Refuse to process a request (for example, if an account has been suspended or closed for some reason)
  • Crash before adjusting the balance of the account
  • Crash after adjusting the balance of the account
  • Return a “I’m busy” response
  • Be slow

For our example, we have only a single area where a compensating action might need to be applied - if we are able to debit from Account1 but unable to credit Account2, the debit should be rolled back (a compensating action of crediting Account1 should be applied). Otherwise, Account1 will be €0 and Account2 will be €10, and €10 has been lost in the system.

There are many workflows for what seems a simple use case:

  1. Account1 processes successfully → CREDIT ACCOUNT2
  2. Account1 refuses the debit request. → STOP
  3. Account1 responds with “I’m busy” → RETRY
  4. Account1 does not respond → RETRY

If Account1 responds successfully, then we have the following possibilities

  1. Account2 processes successfully → SUCCESS
  2. Account2 refuses the credit request → ROLLBACK DEBIT
  3. Account2 responds with “i’m busy” → RETRY
  4. Account2 does not respond → RETRY

If we have to rollback the debit:

  1. Account1 processes successfully → STOP
  2. Account1 refuses the credit request → ESCALATE
  3. Account1 responds with “i’m busy” → RETRY
  4. Account1 does not respond → RETRY
  5. the TransferProcess saga itself crashes → RESUME

Each of these possibilities requires handling. In situations where there is either a “i’m busy” response, or no response at all, we should retry the request. If the request is outright refused, there is no point in retrying, so we should stop or rollback the saga.

One situation that presents a problem is when we receive no reply to our requests, even after retrying. In our example bank transfer process, what do we know has happened in this scenario? - can we say for sure that an account did not process the message? Maybe the account was credited/debited but the service failed to respond? If the first step of debiting an account is successful, but then the second step of crediting an account does not respond, do we rollback the debit of the first account? We know it was successful but what we don’t know is if the money made it to the other account.

What if a compensating action fails?


In the preceding section we descovered scenarios where we are not sure what state the system is in. Even with retries and compensating actions, things can still go wrong. In an ideal world, these should be very rare! However, they can occur and in these cases it’s best to have a fallback strategy, escalating the result of the saga to something else, quite possibly a manual / human process.


One thing a saga does not provide is atomicitiy. In the bank account example above there’s nothing to stop other systems interacting with the accounts in-between the debit and the credit operations. This needs bearing in mind as it could rule out the saga pattern for some types of operations.

Part 2 - Implementing the Money Transfer Saga

The implementation of the transfer process saga contains the following actors:

  • Account actor - this is a simulation of a troublesome remote service
  • TransferProcess actor - this is the main actor that coordinates the process of debiting and crediting accounts. From a saga perspective, this is the Saga Execution Component that manages the transfer process.
  • AccountProxy actor - this has the sole purpose of attempting to communicate with Account actor

Account actor

The Account actor simulates a remote bank account service:

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        // ...
        case Credit msg:
            return AdjustBalance(msg.ReplyTo, msg.Amount);
        case Debit msg when msg.Amount + _balance >= 0:
            return AdjustBalance(msg.ReplyTo, msg.Amount);
        // ...
    return Task.CompletedTask;

When a Credit or Debit request is received, we attempt to adjust the balance of the account. The attempt may fail for a number of reasons:

private Task AdjustBalance(IContext ctx, PID replyTo, decimal amount)
    if (RefusePermanently())
        _processedMessages.Add(replyTo, new Refused());
        ctx.Send(replyTo, new Refused());
    if (Busy())
        ctx.Send(replyTo, new ServiceUnavailable());
    var behaviour = DetermineProcessingBehavior();
    if (behaviour == Behavior.FailBeforeProcessing)
        return Failure(replyTo);
    // simulate potential slow service
    Thread.Sleep(_random.Next(0, 150));
    _balance += amount;
    _processedMessages.Add(replyTo, new OK());
    if (behaviour == Behavior.FailAfterProcessing)
        return Failure(replyTo);
    ctx.Send(replyTo, new OK());
    return Task.CompletedTask;

This allows us to introduce a degree of randomness to the saga to simulate various types of failures.

Account Proxy

The AccountProxy is created by the TransferProcess actor for the sole purpose of communicating with the Account actor and handling the responses:

class AccountProxy : IActor
    private readonly PID _account;
    private readonly Func<PID, object> _createMessage;

    public AccountProxy(PID account, Func<PID, object> createMessage)
        _account = account;
        _createMessage = createMessage;
    public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Started _:
            case OK msg:
            case Refused msg:
            // These represent a failed remote call
            case InternalServerError _:
            case ReceiveTimeout _:
            case ServiceUnavailable _:
                throw new Exception();
        return Task.CompletedTask;

The AccountProxy sends the message to the Account on Started and sets a timeout of 100 milliseconds in which a response should be received. This allows us to simulate a slow remote process and handle timeouts as errors. Given any message representing a failed remote call, the AccountProxy simply throws an exception, passing responsibility to the parent to decide what to do. If the message is OK or Refused we cancel the timeout and pass the message to the parent, the TransferProcess actor.

Transfer Process actor

The TransferProcess actor has the responsibility of managing our transfer. In saga terminology, it is the Saga Execution Component. This class keeps track of the steps that have been completed and applies any compensating actions on failures.

The implementation of the TransferProcess actor utilises:

  • Behavior plug-in
  • Persistence plug-in
  • Error kernel pattern
  • Supervision

Using Behaviors

Our Transfer Process is modeled as a state machine using the Behavior plugin. This allows us to swap out the message handling code depending on our current state. This is achieved by delegating to the Behavior class when handling messages:

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context) => _behavior.ReceiveAsync(context);

Here the TransferProcess's ReceiveAsync method just delegates to the Behavior’s ReceiveAsync method.

The possible TransferProcess states are

  • Starting
  • AwaitingDebitConfirmation
  • AwaitingCreditConfirmation
  • RollingBackDebit

Let’s have a look at each state and see what changes.


Starting is the initial state of the actor and where we make the debit attempt.

private async Task Starting(IContext context)
    if (context.Message is Started)
        context.SpawnNamed(TryDebit(_from, -_amount), "DebitAttempt");

private Props TryDebit(PID targetActor, decimal amount) => Props
            .FromProducer(() => new AccountProxy(targetActor, sender => new Debit(amount, sender)));

Here we create an actor specifically to handle the debit attempt and transition the actor to the AwaitingDebitConfirmation state.

Awaiting Debit Confirmation

In this state there are 3 possible transitions:

  • AwaitingDebitConfirmation → AwaitingCreditConfirmation
  • AwaitingDebitConfirmation → Stop (ConsistentSystem)
  • AwaitingDebitConfirmation → Stop (Unknown)
private Task AwaitingDebitConfirmation(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case OK _:
            context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_to, +_amount), "CreditAttempt");
        case Refused _:
            _logger.Log("Transfer failed. System consistent")
        case Terminated _: 
            _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")

private Props TryCredit(PID targetActor, decimal amount) => Props
            .FromProducer(() => new AccountProxy(targetActor, sender => new Credit(amount, sender)));   

Our 3 possible results from our DebitAttempt actor are:

1. Debit Success
case OK _:
    context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_to, +_amount), "CreditAttempt");

The debit from the first step was successful, we can now create the CreditAttempt actor and transition to AwaitingCreditConfirmation state.

2. Debit Refused
case Refused _: 
    _logger.Log("Transfer failed. System consistent")

The debit was refused and should not be retried. We log and stop.

3. Unknown
case Terminated _: 
    _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")

Receiving a Terminated message in the AwaitingDebitConfirmation state means the DebitActor has been stopped, and represents an unknown failure of the debit process. The section on Supervision and error kernels describes how this Terminated message is created, but it is enough for now to know that the debit has been retried but ultimately failed. We have no option left but to stop.

Awaiting Credit Confirmation

Given a successful debit we transition to the AwaitingCreditConfirmation state. In this state there are 3 possible transitions:

  • AwaitingCreditConfirmation → Stop (Success)
  • AwaitingCreditConfirmation → RollingBackDebit
  • AwaitingCreditConfirmation → Stop (Unknown)
private async Task AwaitingCreditConfirmation(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case OK msg:
        case Refused msg:
            context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_from, +_amount), "RollbackDebit");
        case Terminated msg:
            _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")
1. Credit Success
case OK msg:

This represents the happy path - we have successfully completed the transfer process. Log the fact that we have completed and stop.

2. Credit Refused
case Refused msg:
    context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_from, +_amount), "RollbackDebit");

The credit attempt has been refused. We know that the debit succeeded but the credit was refused, so we can attempt to apply the compensating action of rolling back the debit by crediting the account. We create a RollbackDebit actor and transition to the RollingBackDebit state.

3. Unknown
case Terminated msg:
     _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")

Receiving a Terminated message in the AwaitingCreditConfirmation state means the CreditActor has been stopped, and represents an unknown failure of the credit process. We are now in a state where we know that the debit succeeded but do not know the state of the credit. It might have succeeded. I originally transitioned to the RollingBackDebit state here but ultimately decided it is better to trigger whatever escalation strategy is in place to look at transfers in this state.

Rolling Back Debit

If our debit was successful but our credit was refused, we transition to the RollingBackDebit state, where there are 2 possible transitions:

  • RollingBackDebit → Stop (ConsistentSystem)
  • RollingBackDebit → Stop (Unknown)
private async Task RollingBackDebit(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case OK _:
            _logger.Log("Transfer failed. System consistent")
        case Refused _: 
        case Terminated _:
            _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")

In this state, there are only 2 possible transitions:

1. Rollback Success
case OK _:
    _logger.Log("Transfer failed. System consistent")

We have successfully applied the compensating action, and even though the actual transfer process has failed the system is in a consistent state.

2. Failure
case Refused _: 
case Terminated _:
    _logger.Log("Transfer status unknown. Escalate")

Failure can be the result of either the account refusing the operation or the RollbackDebit actor terminating. If the operation is refused, it means in between making the original debit and attempting the rollback credit the account has decided to refuse the request.

If the RollbackDebit actor was terminated, it again means we do not know what happened to the operation, and again have no option but to give up and rely on escalation.

We’ve now covered all of our possible state transitions through the use of the behavior plug-in. However, what if the TransferProcess itself crashes? In Part 3 we’ll look at how to handle this situation through the use of the Persistence plugin to save the TransferProcess state.

Part 3 - The Audit Log

The original Saga paper discusses the use of a log to track the activities of the saga. The TransferProcess actor we created in Part 2 covered all the state transitions for our saga, but did not save its state so is vulnerable to crashing. We can fix this by using the Persistence plugin.

The Persistence plug-in allows an actor to recover it’s state when it is restarted or reloaded through the use of event sourcing. Each state change is modelled as an event that is “applied” to the actor both during the recovery phase and when running live. The Persistence plugin takes an Action<Event> applyEvent method as a parameter - this is called whenever an event is saved, or loaded from the underlying storage during recovery. It is important that all state changes are defined in this ApplyEvent method, including transitioning to different behaviors. In our current TransferProcess code, we transition to a new behavior upon processing a message by calling _behavior.Become(SomeState). However, in order for the actor to be able to recover from failure and end up in the correct state, all state changes need to move to the ApplyEvent method, and we need to save events as checkpoints. So, for example, our Starting code changes from

private Task Starting(IContext context)
    if (context.Message is Started)
        context.SpawnNamed(TryDebit(_from, -_amount), "DebitAttempt");


private async Task Starting(IContext context)
    if (context.Message is Started)
        context.SpawnNamed(TryDebit(_from, -_amount), "DebitAttempt");
        await _persistence.PersistEventAsync(new TransferStarted());

with the corresponding behavior change added to the ApplyEvent method:

private void ApplyEvent(Event @event)
    switch (@event.Data)
        case TransferStarted msg:
        // ... other transitions

A side-effect of moving all state transitions into the ApplyEvent method is that it now reads like the state machine we described in Part 1:

private void ApplyEvent(Event @event)
    switch (@event.Data)
        case TransferStarted msg:
        case AccountDebited msg:
        case CreditRefused msg:
        case AccountCredited _:
        case DebitRolledBack _:
        case TransferFailed _:
            _processCompleted = true;

Having a log of all state change events is what allows us to recover from failures. The TransferProcess itself is supervised, so when a failure occurs it is restarted by it’s parent. This results in a Started message where we can rebuild the state of the TransferProcess. We do this in the TransferProcess ReceiveAsync method before delegating to the Behavior class:

public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
   switch (context.Message)
       case Started msg:
           await _persistence.RecoverStateAsync();
       // ... 
   await _behavior.ReceiveAsync(context);

RecoverStateAsync will load all events from our storage and call the ApplyEvent method on them, thus rebuilding our behavior state transitions, and putting out actor back into the correct state. Note the default to the Starting state - if we do not have any events we need to begin in the Starting state. If we do have events, then the state will transition as normal.

The worried parent - where did our children go?

In our current design, the actors that attempt the credit and debit operations are created when we receive messages from the previous states. For example, when in the AwaitingDebitConfirmation state, if we receive a successful response we spawn a new actor to attempt the credit:

private Task AwaitingDebitConfirmation(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case OK _:
            await _persistence.PersistEventAsync(new AccountDebited());
            context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_to, +_amount), "CreditAttempt");

There is a problem with this though - consider the scenario where the OK message is received, the TransferProcess saves the AccountDebited event, transitions to the AwaitingCreditConfirmation state, spawns the CreditAttempt actor and subsequently crashes - this will cause all children to be terminated, including the CreditAttempt actor that was just created. When the TransferProcess is restarted, we reload all events and transition through to the AwaitingCreditConfirmation state, where we are awaiting the response of the CreditAttempt actor that has been terminated. No message will be received, as children are not restarted.

One way to resolve this is by recreating the CreditAttempt actor when the TransferProcess receives the Started event:

private async Task AwaitingCreditConfirmation(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case Started _:
            context.SpawnNamed(TryCredit(_to, +_amount), "CreditAttempt");
            //..... other code omitted

This restores the CreditAttempt actor and the TransferProcess actor is restored to the state it was in before the crash.

Why was my child Terminated?

Another problem with the current design is that Terminated messages are used to indicate that the AccountProxy actors have failed their operations. This presents a problem when considering what happens when the TransferProcess restarts. The AccountProxy actors are children of the TransferProcess actor, and one thing that happens during a restart is that all children of an actor get stopped. So when the TransferPorcess actor is restarted, it receives a Terminated message as a result of the AccountProxy child stopping. This now breaks our semantic meaning of what the Terminated message represents - the AccountProxy hasn’t failed to communicate with the Account, the TransferProcess itself has failed. Rather than redesign the TransferProcess we can track when this happens:

public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case Stopping msg:
            _stopping = true;
        case Restarting msg:
            _restarting = true;
        case Terminated _ when _restarting || _stopping:
    await _behavior.ReceiveAsync(context);

When the TransferProcess is restarted or stopped, it receives a message that we can handle. This happens before children are stopped. By setting a flag when these events occur, we can safely ignore Terminated messages when in this state. We return immediately from the ReceiveAsync method which prevents await _behavior.ReceiveAsync(context) method from executing. These flags are reset to their default values of false when the restarting process has finished.

Part 4 - Supervision, error kernels and idempotency

An important factor in implementing a saga is the concept of retrying operations. You will have noticed that when attempting our debit and credit operations, a separate actor is created to perform this operation. We can lean on the supervision strategies inherant in actor systems to help retry failed operations. If anything goes wrong with this call, this actor fails, and allows it’s parent to act on the failure…As this actor is a child of the TransferProcess actor, it is supervised by the TransferProcess actor. This allows us to use the error kernel pattern to push out the “dangerous” operation of calling a remote service into a separate actor, and set up a supervision strategy for that actor. In this case our supervision strategy says to retry 10 times (SupervisorDirective.Restart on any failure) then give up and stop the actor:

var retryAttempts = 10;
var supervisionStrategy = new OneForOneStrategy((pid, reason) => 
    SupervisorDirective.Restart, retryAttempts)

Props.FromProducer(() => new TransferProcess(...)

Idempotent Receiver

Given that we are retrying operations against the Accounts we need them to be idempotent receivers. In messaging applications, idempotency is defined as

a message that has the same effect whether it is received once or multiple times. This means that a message can safely be resent without causing any problems even if the receiver receives duplicates of the same message. EIP

Some messages are naturally idempotent, others are not. In this case incrementing or decrementing the balance of an account is not naturally idempotent so we need to track the messages we’ve already processed. As each time we create the AccountProxy it has the same PID, we can use this to track which messages have been processed. When the Account actor receive a duplicate message, we can send the same response we did with the original message:

private readonly Dictionary<PID, object> _processedMessages = new Dictionary<PID, object>();

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case Credit msg when _processedMessages.ContainsKey(msg.ReplyTo):
            return Task.CompletedTask;
        case Credit msg:
            _balance += amount;
            _processedMessages.Add(replyTo, new OK());
            context.Send(replyTo,new OK());
            return Task.CompletedTask;
    return Task.CompletedTask;

The first time we receive the Credit message we will fall into the second case statement above where we adjust the balance of the account and record that we have processed the message by using the ReplyTo property for uniqueness (this is the PID of the AccountProxy and is unique within a TransferProcess) and saving the response message. If we receive the same message again, the first case statement will be triggered, and we respond with the original response.

NOTE there is scope for clearing out the _processedMessages collection when TransferProcess actors are terminated, a technique employed in the Business Handshake pattern in the book Reactive Design Patterns

Part 5 - Results

We’ve now finished implementing the Money Transfer Saga, but we need a way to run it, and a way to generate failures. To run the saga, we’re going to use a simple console app:

internal class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var system = new ActorSystem();
        var random = new Random();
        var numberOfTransfers = 1000;
        var uptime = 99.99;
        var retryAttempts = 3;
        var refusalProbability = 0.01;
        var busyProbability = 0.05;
        var provider = new InMemoryProvider();

        var props = Props.FromProducer(() => new Runner(numberOfTransfers, uptime, refusalProbability, busyProbability, retryAttempts, false))
            .WithChildSupervisorStrategy(new OneForOneStrategy((pid, reason) => SupervisorDirective.Restart, retryAttempts, null));
        Console.WriteLine("Spawning runner");
        var runner = system.Root.SpawnNamed(props, "runner");

Here we setup some variables for use by the Account actors to simulate the various failure scenarios:

  • uptime determines the probability of Account failures
  • refusalProbability determines the probability that an Account will refuse a credit or debit request
  • busyProbability determines the probability that an Account will return a ServiceUnavailable response

We also specify how many sagas we are going to run and how many retry attempts will be made. We then create a Runner actor to run the sagas.


The Runner actor is responsible for running sagas and gathering and reporting on the results. It implements a scatter-gather pattern to spawn TransferProcess actors then reports when they are all complete:

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case Started _:
            var random = new Random();
            _inMemoryProvider = new InMemoryProvider();

            for (int i = 1; i <= _numberOfIterations; i++)
                int j = i;
                var fromAccount = CreateAccount($"FromAccount{j}", random);
                var toAccount = CreateAccount($"ToAccount{j}", random);

                var transferProps = Actor.FromProducer(() => new TransferProcess(fromAccount, toAccount, 10,
                        _inMemoryProvider, $"Transfer Process {j}", random, _uptime))
                        new OneForOneStrategy((pid, reason) => SupervisorDirective.Restart, _retryAttempts,

                var transfer = context.SpawnNamed(transferProps, $"Transfer Process {j}");
    return Task.CompletedTask;

Once the Runner is started, it loops through the number of iterations and creates two Account actors and a TransferProcess actor each time, adding the TransferProcess PID to a _transfers collection. The Runner supervises the TransferActor, and is responsible for restarting it should it crash. Inside the TransferProcess actor, a call to context.Send(context.Parent,..); informs the Runner of the result. The Runner then waits to receive results back from the TransferProcess actors:

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case SuccessResult msg:
        case UnknownResult msg:
        case FailedAndInconsistent msg:
        case FailedButConsistentResult msg:

For each result type, a counter is incremented to track the different result types, then a completion check is performed to determine if all sagas have finished. If so, the results are outputted:

private void CheckForCompletion(PID pid)
    var remaining = _transfers.Count;
    //... write status to console.
    if (remaining == 0)
        //... output results

Some examples

So how do things look? Given good enough uptime and sufficient retry attempts, things look good:

RESULTS for 99.99% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.05% of being busy and 3 retry attempts:

- 100% (1000/1000) successful transfers
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
- 0% (0/1000) unknown results

Even if we lower the uptime and increase the probability of being busy, things still look good:

RESULTS for 99% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.1% of being busy and 3 retry attempts:
- 100% (1000/1000) successful transfers
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
- 0% (0/1000) unknown results

We have to significantly drop the uptime to start seeing something different:

RESULTS for 90% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.1% of being busy and 3 retry attempts:
- 99.9% (999/1000) successful transfers
- 0.2% (2/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
- 0% (0/1000) unknown results

Dropping the retry attempts significantly affects our results:

RESULTS for 90% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.1% of being busy and 1 retry attempts:
- 92% (920/1000) successful transfers
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
- 8% (80/1000) unknown results

Dramatically increasing the retry attempts allows us to cope with a very failure prone system:

RESULTS for 50% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.1% of being busy and 15 retry attempts:
- 100% (1000/1000) successful transfers
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
- 0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
- 0% (0/1000) unknown results

Increasing the probability of refusal has a big impact, as retrying does not happen:

RESULTS for 50% uptime, 20.1% chance of refusal, 0.2% of being busy and 15 retry attempts:
68.9% (689/1000) successful transfers
29.2% (292/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
4.6% (46/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
0.1% (1/1000) unknown results

The biggest effect comes from not retrying at all, as we are in danger of timing out on our requests (Account actor has Thread.Sleep(_random.Next(0,150) in it, whilst the AccountProxy expects a response back within 100 milliseconds):

RESULTS for 99.99% uptime, 0.01% chance of refusal, 0.01% of being busy and 0 retry attempts:
48.8% (488/1000) successful transfers
0.1% (1/1000) failures leaving a consistent system
0% (0/1000) failures leaving an inconsistent system
51.1% (511/1000) unknown results

Overall the results show the importance of retrying our operations, and the need to have idempotent receivers that enable us to retry. We can get very good results with very failure prone systems if we simply retry our operations.

This is of cource an artificial scenario. In the real world, you’d want more subtle retry strategies that allow remote services to recover from high demand they might be experiencing or failures that might be transient - exponential back-off strategies are more useful than immediate retries. The ability to be able to resume a saga from a given point through the use of an audit log is also very important - if a remote service is down for a considerable amount of time you can still attempt the saga when it has recovered.
