Go C#

Spawning Actors


Spawning an actor consists of two steps:

  1. Create Props that define how the actor should be created. See Props.
  2. Spawn the actor using the Props

There are three primary ways to spawn actors:

var system = new ActorSystem();
var pid1 = system.Root.Spawn(props); // spawn an actor with an auto-generated name
var pid2 = system.Root.SpawnPrefix(props, "prefix"); // spawn an actor with a prefix followed by an auto-generated name
var pid3 = system.Root.SpawnNamed(props, "my-actor"); // spawn an actor with an exact name
NOTE If an actor already exists with the specified name, this will throw a ProcessNameExistException.

It is also possible for an actor to spawn a child actor that it will supervise (see Supervision for more details). To do this, instead use the spawn methods on the IContext from within the actor’s Receive method:

public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    var pid1 = context.Spawn(props);
    var pid2 = context.SpawnPrefix(props, "prefix");
    var pid3 = context.SpawnNamed(props, "my-actor");