Go C#

Proto.Persistence module

You can choose to have actors persist their state by using the Proto.Persistence module. This allows an actor to recover its state when it is started and supports three modes of operation:

  • Event Sourcing
  • Snapshotting
  • Event Sourcing with Snapshotting

Event Sourcing

When using event sourcing, each state change is modelled as an event that is applied to the actor both during the recovery phase and when running live. The Persistence plugin takes an Action<Event> applyEvent method as a parameter that is called whenever an event is saved, or loaded from the underlying storage during recovery. It is important that all state changes are defined in this ApplyEvent method, including transitioning to different behaviors.


We’re going to implement a simple counter actor using the Persistence class. This counter will support a single message type, Add that has an amount to add:

public class Add {
    public int Amount { get; set; }

The first thing we want to do is configure the Persistence class when the actor is created:

public class Counter : IActor
    private int _value = 0;
    private readonly Persistence _persistence;

    public Counter(IEventStore eventStore, string actorId)
        _persistence = Persistence.WithEventSourcing(eventStore, actorId, ApplyEvent);

Here we use the static WithEventSourcing method to create our instance of the Persistence class, passing in a eventStore, actorId and ApplyEvent method. We’ll get to the ApplyEvent method below, but for now know that you pass in an implementation of IEventStore, which represents the underlying storage system used to support persistence and an actorId that should be a unique identifier for the actor.

Our Counter actor only supports two messages:

public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
    switch (context.Message)
        case Started _:
            await _persistence.RecoverStateAsync();
        case Add msg:
            if (msg.Amount > 0)
                await _persistence.PersistEventAsync(new Added { Amount = msg.Amount });

When Started, we call RecoverStateAsync to recover the state. This will load all saved events from the underlying storage and call the ApplyEvent method for each. When we receive an Add message, we first run some business logic, then save an Added event. PersistEventAsync saves the event to the underlying storage and calls the ApplyEvent method:

private void ApplyEvent(Event @event)
    switch (@event.Data)
        case Added msg:
            _value = _value + msg.Amount;

It is inside the ApplyEvent method that any state changes for the actor occur - here we simply add the amount from the Added message to our current value.


When configured to just use snapshotting, this is the equivalent of only ever saving the current state of the actor, i.e. no audit log of changes is kept.

We can rewrite the Counter example above to only use snapshotting:

internal class Counter : IActor
    private int _value;
    private readonly Persistence _persistence;

    public Counter(ISnapshotStore snapshotStore, string actorId)
        _persistence = Persistence.WithSnapshotting(snapshotStore, actorId, ApplySnapshot);

    private void ApplySnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
        if (snapshot.State is int ss)
            _value = ss;

    public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Started _:
                await _persistence.RecoverStateAsync();
            case Add msg:
                if (msg.Amount > 0)
                    _value += msg.Amount;
                    await _persistence.PersistSnapshotAsync(_value);

Here we are using the static WithSnapshotting method to create the Persistence class, passing in a snapshotStore and actorId but this time a ApplySnapshot method that will be called when RecoverStateAsync is called when the actor is started.

Event Sourcing and Snapshotting

We can use both event sourcing and snapshotting together. When used in this manner, snapshotting becomes a performance optimisation for cases when you have large numbers of events to replay to rebuild the state of your actor. When RecoverStateAsync is called, if there are any snapshots saved, then the most recent one will be loaded along with any events that occured after the snapshot was taken. The Persistence plugin manages this tracking internally through the use of an index that is incremented for each saved event. Any time a snapshot is taken, it is tied to index of the actor at that time.

We can rewrite the Counter example above to use event sourcing with snapshotting:

internal class Counter : IActor
    private int _value;
    private readonly Persistence _persistence;

    public Counter(IEventStore eventStore, ISnapshotStore snapshotStore, string actorId)
        _persistence = Persistence.WithEventSourcingAndSnapshotting(eventStore, snapshotStore, actorId, ApplyEvent, ApplySnapshot);

    private void ApplyEvent(Event @event)
        switch (@event.Data)
            case Added msg:
                _value = _value + msg.Amount;
    private void ApplySnapshot(Snapshot snapshot)
        if (snapshot.State is int ss)
            _value = ss;

    public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Started _:
                await _persistence.RecoverStateAsync();
            case Add msg:
                if (msg.Amount > 0)
                    await _persistence.PersistEventAsync(new Added { Amount = msg.Amount });
                    if (ShouldTakeSnapshot())
                        await _persistence.PersistSnapshotAsync(_value);

    private bool ShouldTakeSnapshot()
        // some logic to determine whether to take a snapshot or not

Now when the Counter actor is started, any snapshots that have been saved will be applied before any remaining events.

Snapshot strategies

You can optionally specify an ISnapshotStrategy to auto-save snapshots when saving an event. The provided strategies are:

  • EventTypeStrategy - saves a snapshot based on the type of event saved
  • IntervalStrategy - saves a snapshot at a regular interval based on the number of events saved, i.e. every 100 events
  • TimeStrategy - saves a snapshot at a regular interval based on time, i.e. wait at least 6 hours between snapshots

On saving an event, the Persistence module will save a snapshot if the ShouldTakeSnapshot method of the ISnapshotStrategy returns true.

internal class Counter : IActor
    private int _value;
    private readonly Persistence _persistence;

    // note that here we are using IProvider, which implements IEventStore and ISnapshotStore in cases where you prefer to pass in a single parameter to your actor that represents the storage system being used for both
    public Counter(IProvider provider, string actorId)
        _persistence = Persistence.WithEventSourcingAndSnapshotting(provider, provider, actorId, ApplyEvent, ApplySnapshot, new IntervalStrategy(10), () => _value);

    // ApplyEvent() and ApplySnapshot() unchanged

    public async Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Started _:
                await _persistence.RecoverStateAsync();
            case Add msg:
                if (msg.Amount > 0)
                    await _persistence.PersistEventAsync(new Added { Amount = msg.Amount });

Here we pass in a strategy saying to save a snapshot every 10 events.

NOTE We have removed the manual saving of snapshots, as this is now taken care of internally through the use of the snapshot strategy.