Go C#

Performance review by Dotnetos

In february 2022, The Dotnetos teams made a performance review of the Proto.Actor .NET core features. This document contains the findings from this review.

Output of Proto.Actor benchmarks, with full PGO on and off, to identify any visible quick wins with “measure first approach”. It includes both dotMemory and dotTrace profiling. I’ve also made an initial code “look around”.

Spawn benchmark

It’s mostly allocating 1GB of ConcurrentQueueSegment because ConcurrentQueue used underneath initialzed by default with 32 such blocks, which is then multiplied 1M times (per every actor).

That’s a litte suprising consequence of using ConcurrentQueue but for 1M it’s probably ok!

There are little suboptimal allocations like below but I’m not sure if it is worth to remove them (one is from the benchmark itself):


In process benchmark

Because of more complex nature of benchmarking program (preparations and cleanup) I’ve added dotMemory profiling API control:

  • MemoryProfiler.CollectAllocations(true); at the beginning of the program

  • MemoryProfiler.GetSnapshot before and after the area of interest:

     MemoryProfiler.GetSnapshot($"Before {t}/{clientCount}");
     for (var i = 0; i < clientCount; i++)
         var client = pingActor[i];
         var echo = pongActor[i];
         context.Send(client, new Start(echo));
     await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
     MemoryProfiler.GetSnapshot($"After {t}/{clientCount}");

Initial rundown shows allocations during the message processing, here’s an 16/50 activity marked:


Which is allocating ~68MB where 2/3 is a WaitCallback allocated in DefaultMailbox.Schedule:


because of:

ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(_ => RunAsync(),null);

We can easily improve it by using static delegate:

ThreadPool.UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(static x => RunAsync(x), this, false);

which obviously requires a little changes in RunAsync but they do not propagate outside:

private static Task RunAsync(DefaultMailbox mailbox)
   var task = mailbox.ProcessMessages();
   if (!task.IsCompletedSuccessfully)
       return Await(mailbox, task);
   Interlocked.Exchange(ref mailbox._status, MailboxStatus.Idle);

This indeed allows to get rid of WaitCallback so now the same benchmark allocates ~24MB:



NOTE This issue has been corrected after the review

There is also one funny method OneForOneStrategy.ShouldStop producing a little of unwanted garbage:


which is one of those examples when plain old loop instead of LINQ pays off:

public int NumberOfFailures(TimeSpan? within)
   if (!within.HasValue)
       return _failureTimes.Count;
   int result = 0;
   foreach (var failureTime in _failureTimes)
       if (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - failureTime < within)
   return result;
NOTE This issue have been corrected after the review

Additionaly, a few trivial things:

Remote benchmark

First of all, the previous fix allows to avoid hundreds of MBs of WaitCallback allocations that come from RemoreMessageHandler.HandleRemoteMessage.

NOTE This issue have been corrected after the review

Besides that, much more data ia allocated because of materializing MessageEnvelope, to the extent when looking at anything else does not make sense:


The only thought I have in such scenario is - is it possible to get rid of object/class in some paths (like sending) and use ref struct instead? I’ve skimmed through code and it obviously require much work. I’m not able to propose anything for now here… But well, I have a feeling it won’t be ever possible because of Protobuf ane the whole architecture.

Cluster benchmark

It would be nice to get rid of those state machine allocations here:


that come from ExperimentalClusterContext.RequestAsync:

await Task.WhenAny(task, _clock.CurrentBucket);

And could be maybe optimized with a new .NET 6 API as described in Performance Improvements in .NET 6 after a little of TaskClock redesign:

Beyond these new builders, there have been other new APIs introduced in .NET 6 related to tasks. Task.WaitAsync was introduced in dotnet/runtime#48842 and provides an optimized implementation for creating a new Task that will complete when either the previous one completes.
