Go C#


When creating an actor, you can inject middleware to intercept incoming and outgoing messages (Receive and Sender middleware, respectively). This is done via two extension points on the Props:

Receive middleware

Receive middleware intercepts incoming messages. It is injected using the Props.WithReceiveMiddleware() method. Each middleware will be invoked in the order they were passed, and is responsible for invoking the next middleware.

A receive middleware consists of a method/delegate which takes a Receive argument, which is the next middleware to invoke and returns a Receive method. Together, the middlewares and the actor’s Receive method form a chain, where each middleware should call the next and return its result. The signature of a receive middleware is Func<Receive, Receive>.


var props = Actor.FromFunc(c => {
        return Task.CompletedTask;
        next => async context =>
            Console.WriteLine("middleware 1");
            await next(context); // invokes the second middleware
        next => async context =>
            Console.WriteLine("middleware 2");
            await next(context); // invokes the actor

The above code will print middleware 1, then middleware 2, then actor. The next argument to the first middleware will be the second middleware, and the next argument to the second middleware will be the actor’s Receive method.

Sender middleware

Sender middleware intercepts outgoing messages sent via the Context. It is setup using the Props.WithSenderMiddleware() method. Like receive middlewares, the sender middlewares form a chain where each middleware calls the next. The signature of a sender middleware is Func<Sender, Sender>.

A difference for sender middleware is that the message is wrapped in a MessageEnvelope containing the message, the sender and a message header. The main purpose of this is to enable adding contextual metadata to the headers, that can then be propagated to remote actors.


var props = Actor.FromFunc(c => {
        return Task.CompletedTask;
        next => async (context, target, envelope) =>
            Console.WriteLine("middleware 1");
            await next(context, target, envelope); // invokes the second middleware
        next => async (c, target, envelope) =>
            Console.WriteLine("middleware 2");
            await next(context, target, envelope); // sends the message to the target

The above code will print actor, then middleware 1, then middleware 2. The next argument to the first middleware will be the second middleware, and the next argument to the second middleware.
