Go C#

Watch and Unwatch Messages

This guide explains the Watch and Unwatch messages in Proto.Actor, which are used for monitoring the lifecycle of actors.


The Watch message is used to monitor another actor’s lifecycle. When an actor watches another actor, it will be notified if the watched actor terminates. This is useful for building fault-tolerant systems where an actor needs to take action if another actor it depends on stops.


The Unwatch message is used to stop monitoring another actor’s lifecycle. When an actor unwatches another actor, it will no longer receive termination notifications for that actor.

Example: Using Watch and Unwatch Messages

using System;
using Proto;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var actorSystem = new ActorSystem();
        var rootContext = actorSystem.Root;

        var props = Props.FromProducer(() => new MyActor());
        var pid = rootContext.Spawn(props);

        var watcherProps = Props.FromProducer(() => new WatcherActor(pid));
        var watcherPid = rootContext.Spawn(watcherProps);

        // Keep the application running to observe the output

class MyActor : IActor
    public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        return Task.CompletedTask;

class WatcherActor : IActor
    private readonly PID _target;

    public WatcherActor(PID target)
        _target = target;

    public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Started _:
                // Start watching the target actor
                Console.WriteLine($"Started watching {_target}");
            case Terminated msg when msg.Who.Equals(_target):
                // Handle the termination of the target actor
                Console.WriteLine($"Actor {_target} has terminated");
        return Task.CompletedTask;


  1. Watch:

    • The WatcherActor starts watching the target actor (MyActor) when it starts.
    • This is done using the context.Watch(_target) method, which sends a Watch message to the target actor.
  2. Handle Termination:

    • When the target actor terminates, the WatcherActor receives a Terminated message.
    • The termination is handled in the ReceiveAsync method, where appropriate actions can be taken.
  3. Unwatch:

    • To stop watching the target actor, the context.Unwatch(_target) method can be used, which sends an Unwatch message to the target actor.

Running the Example

To run this example:

  • Copy the code into a .cs file.
  • Ensure you have the Proto.Actor library installed.
  • Compile and run the program.
  • Observe the console output to see the watch and unwatch functionality in action.

By following this guide, you can effectively monitor the lifecycle of actors using the Watch and Unwatch messages in Proto.Actor.
