Go C#

Stop, Stopping, and Stopped Messages

These messages are part of the lifecycle management in Proto.Actor, helping manage the shutdown process of actors efficiently and safely.


  • Stop: A command message to stop an actor.
  • Stopping: A system message indicating that an actor is in the process of stopping.
  • Stopped: A system message indicating that an actor has completely stopped.

These messages facilitate the graceful shutdown of actors, allowing for cleanup and other shutdown logic to be executed.


These messages, particularly Stop, can be sent by user code to initiate the stopping process, while Stopping and Stopped are handled internally by the actor system.


Here is an example of handling these messages in an actor:

using Proto;
using System;

public class MyActor : IActor
    public Task ReceiveAsync(IContext context)
        switch (context.Message)
            case Stopping _:
                Console.WriteLine("Actor is stopping.");
            case Stopped _:
                Console.WriteLine("Actor has stopped.");
        return Task.CompletedTask;

Actor System and Root Context

To stop an actor from the ActorSystem using RootContext:

var pid = system.Root.Spawn(props);
//or await system.Root.StopAsync(pid)


The Stop, Stopping, and Stopped messages are integral to the lifecycle management of actors in Proto.Actor, ensuring that actors terminate in a controlled and clean manner. This management is crucial for releasing resources and avoiding memory leaks.
