Lesson 4: The Reactive Manifesto.
Proto.Actor follows the principles first expressed in the reactive programming manifesto. The Reactive Programming Manifesto is a set of principles for creating flexible, loosely coupled, and scalable systems. These systems are easy to develop and can be easily modified. They are less susceptible to failures and react to them with more elegance.
In recent years, application requirements have changed significantly. Just a few years ago, apps used dozens of servers, had response times of a few seconds, and offline maintenance took hours. There were gigabytes of data produced.
Today, apps work on everything from simple mobile phones to clusters of thousands of processors. Users expect millisecond response time and 100 percent uptime while the data has grown to petabytes.
Initially, innovative Internet companies such as Google and Twitter occupied this niche, but such application requirements began to pop up in many industries. Financial and telecommunications companies were the first to introduce new practices to meet the unique needs, and now others are being pulled up to the same level of expectations, too.
New requirements require new technologies. Previous solutions have focused on managed servers and containers. Scaling was achieved by buying more servers and using multithreading, which was necessary to handle complicated, inefficient, and expensive proprietary solutions.
However, progress still needs to be made. The application architecture has evolved to meet ever-changing requirements. Applications developed based on this architecture are called Reactive Applications. This architecture allows programmers to create event-oriented, scalable, fault-tolerant, and responsive applications — applications that run in real-time, provide excellent response times based on a scalable and fault-tolerant stack, and are easy to deploy on multi-core and cloud infrastructures. These features are critical for reactivity.
Reactive applications
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines reactive as “ready to respond to external events” , which means that the components are always active and always ready to receive messages. This definition reveals the essence of reactive applications, focusing on systems that:
- react to events: Event orientation means having the following qualities.
- react to increased load: Focus on scalability, competitive access to shared resources is minimized.
- react to failures: Fault-tolerant systems are created with the ability to recover at all levels.
- react to users: Guaranteed response time, regardless of the load.
Each of these characteristics is essential for reactive applications. They all depend on each other, but not as tiers of standard multi-level architecture. Instead, they describe properties that apply across the entire technology stack:

Next, we will examine these four characteristics and how they relate.
Focus on events
Why is it important
Applications that use an asynchronous model are much better at providing Loose coupling than applications based on pure synchronous calls. You can implement sender and receiver without looking at the details of how the system distributes events, which allows interfaces to focus on the content of the messages. This loose coupling leads to a more straightforward implementation and makes expanding, modifying, and maintaining easier, giving greater flexibility and reducing support costs.
Since recipients of asynchronous communication do not act until they receive a message, this approach allows efficient use of resources, making it possible for many recipients to work in the same thread. Thus, a non-blocking application has lower latency and more bandwidth than a traditional application based on blocking synchronization and communication primitives. It leads to lower transaction costs, increased utilization of CPU resources, and makes end users happier.
Key building blocks
In an event-driven application, components interact by sending and receiving messages - discrete parts of information describing facts. These messages are sent and received asynchronously and without blocking. Event-driven systems are more prone to push models than pull or poll. In other words, they push data to their customers when data becomes available instead of wasting resources by constantly requesting or waiting for data.
- Asynchronous messaging means an application is inherently highly competitive and can operate on a multi-core architecture without changes. Any CPU core can process any message, which gives more parallelization capabilities.
- Non-blocking means continuing to run so that the application is responsive all the time, even in the crash or peak load conditions. For this purpose, all resources required for responsiveness, such as CPU, memory, and network, must not be monopolized. It will result in lower latency, higher throughput capacity, and better scalability.
Traditional server architectures use shared mutable state and blocking operations on a thread, which makes it difficult to scale the system. The shared mutable state requires synchronization, which adds complexity and non-determinism, making the code difficult to understand and maintain. Switching a thread to sleep mode requires using limited resources, and waking up operation cost is expensive.
Separating event generation and processing, we allow the platform to take care of synchronization details and dispatching of events between threads. At the same time, we focus on higher-level abstractions and business logic. We think about when and where to send events from and how components interact with each other instead of digging into low-level primitives like threads or locks.
Event-driven systems provide loose coupling between components and subsystems. As we shall see later, such coupling is necessary for scalability and fault tolerance. Without complex dependencies between components, system extension requires minimal effort.
When an application requires high performance and high scalability, it is difficult to foresee where bottlenecks may occur. Therefore, the entire solution must be asynchronous and non-blocking. For a typical application, the architecture must be fully event-driven, starting from user requests from GUI (REST, gRPC, etc.) and processing requests in a web layer to services, cache, and database. If at least one of these layers does not meet this requirement - makes blocking queries to the database, uses the publicly available variable state, calls expensive synchronous operations - then the entire stack will stall, and users will suffer from increased latency and decreased scalability.
The application must be reactive from top to bottom.
The need to eliminate the weakest link in the chain is well illustrated. by Amdal’s Law, which according to Wikipedia says:
Acceleration of a program by paralleling is limited to a sequential part of the program. For example, if 95% of the computation volume can be paralleled, the theoretical maximum of acceleration cannot exceed 20, regardless of the number of processors used.

Why is it important
The definition of the word scalable by Merriam-Webster dictionary means “capable of easily expanding or modernizing." You can extend and scale the scalable application to the required scale by giving the application elasticity. This property allows the system to stretch or shrink (add or remove nodes) on demand. This architecture makes it possible to expand or shrink (deploy on more or fewer processors) without having to rewrite the application. Elasticity minimizes the cost of operating in the cloud while paying only for what we use.
Scalability also helps while managing risks: too little hardware can lead to dissatisfaction and loss of customers, and too much hardware will be idle and lead to unnecessary expenses. An even more scalable application reduces the risk of a situation where hardware is available, but the application cannot utilize it. Over the next 10 years, we may have processors with hundreds if not thousands of hardware cores, and using their potential requires scalability at a microscopic level.
Key building blocks
An event-oriented system based on asynchronous message passing is the basis of scalability. Loose coupling and location independence of components and subsystems allow you to deploy the system on multiple nodes while remaining within the same software model with the same semantics. When you add new nodes, the throughput of the system increases. In terms of implementation, there should be no difference between utilizing more cores or more nodes in a cluster or data center. The application topology becomes a problem of configuration and/or adaptive runtime algorithms that monitor the system load. It is called location transparency.
It is essential to understand that the goal is not to invent transparent distributed computing, distributed objects, or RPC communications — this has been tried before and failed. Instead, we should cover the network by presenting it directly in the software model via the asynchronous message mechanism. True scalability naturally relies on distributed computing and its inter-node interaction, which means traversing the network that is inherently unreliable. Therefore, it is critical to explicitly consider the software model’s limitations, trade-offs, and exception scenarios instead of hiding them behind a screen of leaky abstractions that supposedly try to “simplify” things. As a result, it is equally essential to provide yourself with software tools that contain the building blocks for solving typical problems in a distributed environment, such as consensus-building mechanisms or messaging interfaces with a high-reliability level.
Fault tolerance
Why is it important
App failure is one of the most destructive things to a business. Failure usually leads to the service stopping working and making a hole in the cash flow. In the long run, this can lead to customer dissatisfaction and a bad reputation, seriously harming the business. Surprisingly, the application fault tolerance requirement is universally ignored or addressed by ad-hoc technicians, often meaning that the problem is considered at an incorrect level of detail, using inaccurate and crude tools. A standard solution is to use the clusterization of the application with recovery in case of failures during operation. Unfortunately, such ready-made solutions are costly and dangerous — they can cascade “drop” the entire cluster. The reason is that the problem of managing failures is solved on a map of a very small scale, although it should be worked out in detail at the interaction level of smaller components.
In a reactive application, fault tolerance is not left “for later” but is part of the architecture from the beginning. Treating failures as first-class objects in a software model will make it easier to react to and manage them, making the application tolerant to failures and allowing the system to “heal” and “fix” itself. Traditional methods of handling exceptions cannot achieve this because they solve problems at the wrong levels - we either handle exceptions right where they occur or initiate the entire application recovery process.
Key building blocks
To manage failures, we need to isolate them so they don’t spread to other healthy components and monitor them from a safe location outside the context in which failures may occur. One method that comes to mind is bulkheads that divide the system into compartments so that if one of the compartments is flooded (fails), it does not affect the others in any way. This division prevents the classic cascading failure problem and allows you to solve problems in isolation.

The event-driven model, which gives scalability, also provides the necessary primitives to solve the fault tolerance problem. Low coupling in the event-driven model provides us with fully isolated components where failures are encapsulated in messages along with the necessary details and forwarded to other components, which analyze the errors and decide how to respond to them.
This approach creates a system in which:
- business logic remains clean, separate from error handling;
- failures are modeled explicitly to set decomposition, observation, management, and configuration declaratively;
- the system can “treat” itself and recover automatically.
It is best to organize the compartments hierarchically, like a large corporation, and raise problems to a level with enough power to take appropriate action.
The power of this model is that it is purely event-driven - it is based on reactive components and asynchronous events and therefore has location transparency. Its semantics do not depend on whether it runs on a local server or in a distributed environment.
Why is it important
Responsiveness is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “responding quickly or responding appropriately”. Note that we will continue to use this word in its General sense and will not confuse it with responsive web design with its CSS media queries and progressive enhancement.
Responsive applications are real-time applications that are attractive, rich in functionality, and provide shared access. They maintain an open and continuous dialogue with clients through responsiveness and interactivity. It makes clients’ work more productive, creating a feeling of constancy and readiness at any moment to solve problems and execute problems. One example is Google Docs, which supports real-time collaborative editing, allowing users to see each other’s edits directly.
Applications need to respond to events on time, even during a failure. If an application does not respond within a reasonable time (has too much latency), it is unavailable and not fault-tolerant.
Failure to remain within a hard real-time framework for some applications, such as those related to weapons or medicine, is equivalent to a complete system failure. Only some applications have such strict requirements, but many quickly become useless if they fail to meet the time requirements; for example, an application conducting trade operations may lose the current trade if it doesn’t respond in time.
More common applications, such as online retail shopping stores, lose profits if the response time increases. Users interact more intensively with responsive apps, leading to more purchases.
Key building blocks
Reactive applications use observable models, event streams, and clients with a state.
Observable models allow other systems to receive events when their state changes, providing real-time communication between users and systems. For example, when multiple users work on the same model simultaneously, changes are reactively synchronized, eliminating the need to lock the model.
Event streams form the basic abstraction for building relationships. By keeping them reactive, we avoid blocking and allow conversions and communications to be asynchronous and non-blocking.
Reactive applications must know about algorithm orders to make sure that the event response time does not exceed O (1) or at least O(log n), regardless of the load. You can enable zoom level can be, but it should not depend on the number of clients, sessions, products, or transactions.
Here are a few strategies that will help you keep the latency independent of the load profile:
- In the case of explosive traffic, reactive applications must amortize the cost of expensive operations, such as I/O or competitive data exchange, by applying batching with an understanding and consideration of the specifics of the underlying resources.
- Queues should be limited based on the flow rate, and the length of queues for these response time requirements should be determined according to little’s law.
- The systems must always be monitored and have an adequate safety margin.
- In case of failures, circuit breakers are activated and run alternate processing strategies.
For example, consider a responsive web application with “rich” clients (browser, mobile app) to provide the user with a quality interaction experience. This application performs logic and stores a state on the client side in which the observed models provide a mechanism for updating the user interface when data changes in real time. Technologies like WebSockets or Server-Sent Events allow the user interface to connect directly to the event stream so that the entire system becomes event-driven, from the back-end layer to the client. These connection types allow reactive applications to push events to the browser and mobile apps via asynchronous and non-blocking data transfer while maintaining scalability and fault tolerance.
It now becomes clear what the four reactive characteristics are - event-driven, scalable, responsive and resilient - and how they are linked to each other:

Reactive applications represent a balanced approach to solving modern problems in the development of software systems. They are built on a framework focused on events and message passing and provide tools for scalability and fault tolerance. On top of this, they support responsive user interfaces. We expect the rapidly growing number of systems to follow this Manifesto.